PURPLE DAY 2023 – Epilepsy Awareness Day : “10 shocking truths about epilepsy and how it affects millions of people worldwide”

PURPLE DAY 2023 – Epilepsy Awareness Day : “10 shocking truths about epilepsy and how it affects millions of people worldwide” Hello, I am Dr B JAGADISH , a Diabetes Wellbeing Coach and Diabetes Reversal Expert. Today, I want to talk to you about a very important topic that affects millions of people worldwide: epilepsy. […]

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY – 5 TIPS to find Support and Resources for Living better with Diabetes

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY – 5 TIPS to find Support and Resources for Living better with Diabetes Hi there! My name is Dr. B Jagadish, and I am a Diabetes Wellbeing Coach. As someone who has lived with diabetes for many years, I know firsthand how overwhelming and isolating it can feel at times. But I also […]